Oxidized asphalt takes you to understand the construction technology of asphalt pavement

Upload time :2022/4/13 9:19:59

In the formal laying process, the asphalt pavement must be oxidized asphalt sealed before construction. First, the qualified floor should be completely cleaned up, and then 2-3 forest rescue fans will be used for dust removal along the slope line to maximize the surface aggregate direction. external volume to facilitate the separation of the asphalt pavement from the underlying layer.


(1) The original surface of the fake paving is monotonous. One hour before spraying the modified emulsified asphalt, spray a small amount of water with a waterer to wet the lower surface of the paving.

(2) High-precision intelligent nozzles are used for spraying. Various mechanical pipes and nozzles are often loose, flushed and blocked to maintain the excellent working performance of the mechanical equipment at all times.

3) Refuel by manual spraying or manual spraying in oxidized asphalt places or parts of the road that cannot be trekked, or where there is water seepage.

(4) Asphalt modified emulsification adjustment: According to the planning requirements, the modified emulsified asphalt is generally 0.9-1.1kg/m2, or the aggregate amount is about 6-8m3/1000m2. All the collected data are loose in the modified emulsified asphalt.

Crushing: After paving, crush the filler three times on the tire roller, each crush overlaps at 1.3 of the wheel width, and the two ends are pressed to one side to ensure a useful compaction width. The grinding process is carried out from the shoulder to the center.If you have any other questions, please contact us for oxidized asphalt details or contact us directly.

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